A new style for 2024
My films are now being presented in a timeless 5:4 frame. I feel this evokes memories of the family photo album and early days of cinema… & exudes a quiet elegance that you will want to show off for years to come. July 30 2024 / London
‘Life as a wedding cinematographer’
It has been fifteen years now since I started in the world of wedding cinematography, and it has been an incredible journey. It has taken me all over the world, and I have met the most wonderful people, many of whom remain my friends today. When I began all I wanted to do was set-sail, and for a good eight of those years I was literally living out of a single suitcase, on the road, motel to motel, like a traveling salesman, but with a movie camera, and a longing to tell stories. Nowadays things are a little different. On that journey I met Caro at 2am in a bar on New Years morning, and since then we have introduced our boy Cassidy into the world. So I am a little more stationary than before, but the spirit of my old life lives on and is (at the heart of it) why I do what I do. Life should be about the journeys we take, broadening our mind, friends, family, creating, owning real things that will one day be the story to the time we spent here. I have never wanted to be part of a “wedding industry”, trends and lists and do this / do that / are absolute bullshit to me. I have and always will follow my curiosities. Films are made in the moment, using cameras and lenses from another time. I don’t think of myself as a “wedding videographer”, as such, more guest with a movie camera, adding to the style of your wedding, in the moment, and capturing the day as it naturally unfolds, with an artistic eye.
And so, fitting is this philosophy, for my first journal post. Fitting as I’m spending less and less time on social media. I like to read. I like to write. And I hope you do too.
Welcome to my online home. More to follow.
July 27 2024 / London